|nOp&q#e8t4}?L0Oq*Fh)D|2淘讯,5月22日K9m*SCKj澳洲移民局发_uq!hAj)布最B6IL+Dj?]Dq#58Vi政策,从(ZmTl72q2014年7gPBn^p\11月起vji5@%ry,澳洲所S|!Kvm~jzu|rt\ol签证申请@Os}uoh!(457工MHO7fn1c作签证除外8t4}?L0Oq*Fh)D|2)英语要FHvE$+O}求除了Xaq0@[oiGY4JAGkR经接4m}qRtuq受的Dh?a2sI[IELTS和L$34KpxF OET成%6fTBtcV绩外8t4}?L0Oq*Fh)D|2,将%hC(%xBs4m}qRtuq受TOEFL iBT以CacE^T!4hhyOjUMNPTE成%6fTBtcV绩,从(ZmTl72q2015年7gPBn^p\1月起vji5@%ry%hC(%xBs增加z^hX_h|\4m}qRtuq受Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)成%6fTBtcV绩。而457工MHO7fn1c作签证是TiUq3{mT*6z~kvwHmCr^V)h9按照此g*MZ]rI6政策执行,将%hC(%xBs{2]fiOfPpj)aKNOU7gPBn^p\7gPBn^p\底前?VE^rc+FvEZTG0R)移民局对DfUZO@d$8t4}?L0Oq*Fh)D|2Yd4j~}sU布,我PT?3J4Od们拭目以CacE^T!4待。


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Changes to English language testing across visa programmes

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Visa applicants will have more choice in English language testing with the addition of more test options for temporary graduate, skilled, work and holiday, and former resident visas, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Senator Michaelia Cash, said today.

The changes, which come into effect in November, are in line with the department's focus on increasing competition in the English language testing market for visas.

'Applicants who need to provide the Department of Immigration and Border Protection with an English language test score as evidence of their English ability will be able to choose from two additional tests,' Minister Cash said.

These tests are the Test of English Language as a Foreign Language internet-based test (TOEFL iBT) and the Pearson Test of English Academic.

Minister Cash said increasing the number of English language tests accepted by the department will provide greater choice for visa applicants and address any possible shortages in the number of places available to sit the test.

'The department expects to also receive test scores from the Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) test across visa programmes from early 2015, further expanding the English language test market,' the Minister said.

The TOEFL iBT, Pearson and Cambridge tests have been accepted in the student visa programme since 2011.

Applicants planning to take an English language test before lodging their expression of interest or visa application from November 2014 can visit the department's website for more information about minimum test score requirements and upcoming updates.