根据澳洲移民局最B6IL+Dj?]Dq#58VipMsTInhA息显示,2012年7gPBn^p\12月的Dh?a2sI[技术移民EOI邀请@Os}uoh!%hC(%xBs继续维持在{2]fiOfP3000名p6)L*$~[Dh?a2sI[配额。其%c#zI54^_$i_^b66Independent 189类_Dj&5a\^别为\&ngAUn\2800名p6)L*$~[,而Regional Provisional 489有zu|rt\ol200名p6)L*$~[,分rWp#cM}j别在{2]fiOfP12月3日K9m*SCKjL$34KpxF17日K9m*SCKjrWp#cM}j别发_uq!hAj)8@BZM^1h邀请@Os}uoh!


From December onwards, DIAC will be conducting rounds of invitations on the first Monday of the month.  If there is a second invitation round in a month, that round will be held on the third Monday of the month.

In December, two invitation rounds will be held for the Skilled - Independent and Skilled - Regional (Provisional) visa subclasses covering a maximum of 3000 EOIs in that month.

These rounds will be on 3 December 2012 and 17 December 2012.

The table below lists the maximum number of invitations that will be issued in the respective rounds, by visa subclass.

3 December 2012

Visa Subclass Maximum Number
Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) 1400
Skilled - Regional Provisional (subclass 489) 100

17 December 2012

Visa Subclass Maximum Number
Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) 1400
Skilled - Regional Provisional (subclass 489) 100